Lexium Vel'Denoraan

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Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 4:35 am

Lexium Vel'Denoraan

Character Name: Lexium Vel'Denoraan
Race: Dragon-kin. Half-drow, half-dragon. Don't ask how it's possible. Trust me. You DON'T want to know.
Gender: Male
Age: Ancient
Class / Job: Doomsayer/ makes a living as a mercenary.

Benefits: He is a skilled fighter whose prowess more than compensates for the lack of vision in his left eye. Despite this vulnerability, he is deadly with his double sword and tail-blade combo.

1. He is incredibly unlucky, like a living example of Murphy's Law. If something can go wrong, it WILL, and almost always to Lex. Due to his horrible misfortunes, he has come to view anything and everything as a bad omen, and voices this regularly. His paranoia is well beyond the bounds of insanity.
2. He is blind in his left eye due to it being slashed horribly in a duel. He still bears the scar as well, which no amount of healing can repair.
3. Due to his great weight due to the Draconic lineage, he cannot swim. As he is not a water dragon, he cannot breathe underwater either.
4. Noticable speech impediment due to his lack of proficiency in the common tongue. He has most of the words down, though grammar eludes him.

Special equipment or abilities we should know about:
1. He is a telepath capable of lifting objects of people with his thoughts, though he is limited to lifting two objects at a time.
2. Draconic speech: due to his Draconic lineage, he is able to speak and interpret the language of any dragons the party may encounter. He is not versed in their writings, however.
3. Elven speech (drow dialect): He is fluent in the dialect of Elvish used by the Drow, or Dark Elves. He is also fluent in all forms of Drow writings, and all but the oldest forms of written Elvish.
4. Fire breath. What kind of dragon CAN'T breathe fire?

1. Tail blade - He has a blade fastened to the end of his tail which can be whipped around freely as an additional appendage.
2. Bladed plate - He has a large, folding, round metallic plate which typically hovers under him in combat. (It folds much like a folding fan, only it forms a full circle.) It is used primarily for levitation purposes as Lex cannot lift himself, but can lift an object he is standing on. This is especially useful to offset his lack of wings. The edges are sharpened so that it may be used as a projectile if need be as well.
3. Double sword - One blade is a blade of light which illuminates dark caves and strikes awe in those who see it, the other a blade of darkness that infests any wound it creates with a searing pain that does not fade over time (wounds heal normally, and pain can be healed by magic), and strikes fear in those who see it. It has no other magical properties to speak of.

Why we should let that stuff in: Telepathy has limits, and will not interfere with other players' experiences. A tail-blade is a natural addition for a dragon-kin. Fire breath makes sense for a dragon. And the bladed plate is just plain cool. :D Sword... well, hopefully it's not overkill. No soul-stealing or anything. And besides, he'll probably drop it on his own foot with his luck... or both!

Description: See image. Notice the scarred eye, which is blind. Black skin, pointy ears, silver hair... and a tail. Wears a blue coat over black clothes; the shirt has an orchid with an eye in the middle, and the coat is adorned with stars of various sizes and shapes.

Roleplay Sample:
Lexium stumbled hastily through the forest, fleeing from the angry villagers. "Dammers it, dammers it all, leaves me alone you shall!" he yelled angrily, still fleeing from the angry militia. Had he known the girl was the chief's daughter, he might have thought twice before offering to buy her a drink at the local tavern. Important girls never worked out, it seemd. Then again, neither did any others. It had not gone as he had planned... not at all as he had planned. It all began with a simple conversation about the weather, until his stool broke under his great weight and sent him falling to the ground. He had instinctively reached out to grab something for support... but that something happened to be the girl's bottom. She had leapt up in surprise, spilling her drink on the floor. Lexium had then howled in pain as the beverage entered his eyes, flames roaring from his mouth with the scream. The beverage, being alcoholic, immediately combusted and began spreading flames across the tavern, growing more and more intense as they consumed more wood and alcohol. Patrons fled the tavern in panic, screaming that a demon had attacked the chief's daughter and was now burning down the bar. Within minutes, an angry mob was wielding pitchforks, hoes, and shovels, all screaming angrily as they chased him from the village. "KILL HIM!!" As he saw them approach, he spoke one phrase: "Bad omen this is..." and immediately turned tail and fled into the woods.
"Bad omen this is..."
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Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:06 am

Very nice. Couple questions, though:
1) how long is the tail? (and, thus, the range of attack from the tail-blade)
2) How do you carry the double sword? Note, that slinging it over your shoulder anime style= bad idea. Unlike anime where obvious solutions seem to be overlooked, if I saw that thing truckin down the road, I'd have me cross bow out behind yer back ;-)
3) how effective is the breath weapon? How often can it be used? You don't have to answer this pair here, but keep in mund that true dragonbreath would be a bit out of balance in Torân (But not necessarily so in Era...). So, just keep the ability in check in your posts, please.

4. Fire breath. What kind of dragon CAN'T breathe fire?

And Blue dragons breathe lightning ;-)

Nice RP, relatively balanced character.... welcome to Torân. If you could please deal with those issues before posting too much though.
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Post Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:06 am

1. Tail is appriximately 4 feet in length, trailing slightly on the ground if hanging straight below him; slightly longer than one of his legs. If attacking in front of him, the range is about the same as that of a kick due to the wrap-around length.

2. As he is a telepath, he typically has it hovering just behind his shoulders in midair unless he needs to focus his powers elsewhere. While in "flight" on his plate, he levitates the sword as a second object for use as a support bar to keep his balance while levitating. He himself looks rather out of place to begin with, and is not overly concerned with peoples' reactions to him.

3. The breath "weapon" is a dragonflame, though diluted by his Drow blood, it is considerably weaker than a pure dragonflame. It is still potent enough to melt steel at prolonged exposures, but it will not instantly reduce all it touches to ash as a true dragonflame would. The flame itself is created by chemicals secreted in his mouth along with saliva, which form the flame once mixed. It can thus be used for approximately 30 minutes in a day, but not in bursts of more than 2 minutes at a time. It continually regenerates over time, faster while he sleeps. The range is approximately 12 feet at full power, growing smaller as he runs lower on the fluids.

4. Forgot to mention height and weight in the profile: He's 6'2" and weighs approximately 400 pounds due the the Draconic lineage. He appears to weigh much less, and people are often confused by the breaking of various stools and chairs in the local taverns by such a slim figure.

5. He also has fangs, and sharp, serrated teeth resmbling dragons' much more than human or elf teeth. His tongue is forked like a reptile's as well.
"Bad omen this is..."

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