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Post Sat Feb 11, 2006 9:21 pm


Character Name: Kypries Jhinh
Race: Human, but may have distant elven heritage.
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Class / Job: Sorceress/Apprentice.

Special equipment:
- A family heirloom, a simple silver ring set with one tiny emeralds, and two peridots on either side. It allows her to invoke assistance from inhabitants of forests, and allows her to understand and be understood in other languages. It cannot be stolen or taken from her against her will.

- Another family heirloom, a small dagger embossed with runes on the blade. Part of them bear her family name, but the rest are illegible. It provides light in dark places, if she wills it so.

Special abilities: Kypries is an earth/water magic user, with little control over her powers. They tend to erupt when she is hurt, upset, frightened, or angry. She is reluctant and afraid to use these powers, for they tend to act violently when aroused.

History: Kypries had a rather unusual childhood. Her family lived on the outskirts of a forest, and her father guided trade caravans through it. However, when Kyp was 4, her mother left her father to distant lands and for reasons unknown. Her father raised her alone, continuing to lead caravans through the dense foliage. Kyp was never allowed to tag along on these expeditions. On her 16th birthday, her father and the caravan he was leading went into the forest, and never came back. She waited, and finally ventured into the forest, searching for any traces of what had happened. She found nothing except for her father's belt pouch, with ring and dagger inside; along with a note bearing her name, and the name of her paternal grandfather. She now wanders from place to place idly, inquiring as to traces of her mother, father or grandfather.

Description: Kypries ties her long reddish gold hair up in a ponytail, with unruly wisps framing her face. Her light hazel eyes contain a spark of curiosity behind them. She wears a shirt and tunic, tied at the waist with a sash, over breeches. Her clothes are plain and a little worn, but of good quality.

Personality: Kyp is innocent and naive, new to the ways of city life. She is extremely quiet and painfully shy. She dislikes seeing people being unhappy, or in pain. She is idealistic, and loyal to her friends. She is very sensitive, and can be defensive.

Roleplay Sample:
Kyp surveyed the tavern wearily. She had gotten nowhere in her quest for her family. Being an only child, she had no siblings to rely on. She had managed to obtain a temporary job as a scribe. Her employers were kind and seemed to be satisfied with her work, so she was glad with that.
She approached the barkeep slowly,
"I'll have a glass of fruit juice, please."
The barkeep raised an eyebrow at her request, but said nothing. She paid for her drink, continuing to scan the bar.
She spotted a cloaked stranger in the corner. She knew he was a half elf. She didn't know how she did, but it just seemed to radiate from him. She shrugged, and turned back to the bar. He was taking a risk here, seeing as how many people weren't kindly inclined to elvenkind.
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Post Sat Feb 11, 2006 10:21 pm

Welcome to Torân, milady.

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