[Nexus] A Most Unusual Library (Open)

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Post Tue May 01, 2007 11:15 pm

(Since we seem to have lost Raylani's human.... I'll double post... please forgive...)

Raylani stared at the Keeper in shock at the casual nature with which he spoke. When he continued, her expression turned to a glare. "You know, it's not like I was discussing your close friends. There's little possibility you are even related..." Keeper's speech slowed a bit as he continued. You don't much look like one from the African plains, anyway. I'd say by your appearance that you were from the wooded hills.. East of the Tower?" At least I hope the Tower still stands... Much time has passed since then.

Raylani's glare darkened to suspicion. Few in this region knew her kind existed, much less where their home lay. At least he was discreet enough that he hadn't revealed anything to anyone who didn't already know."Who arrre you, and how do you know my people?" she finally asked.

"I am the Keeper of Knowledge, one of the guides and guardians of this library."

Raylani's eyes shot wide. It was an incredible claim, even indirectly as he proposed it. "Belw-"

"Hsst!" Keeper shushed her. "That name means little to most here, but holds power you'd best not tap. As I said, I am the Keeper of Knowledge. We'd both be better served if you left it at that."

"Y-yes, sirrr," the ocelot was not accustomed to deferring to anyone, but if he was who he claimed, he deserved it.

Keeper chuckled. "You needn't kneel or bow or curtsy. I am a person, same as any human, elf, ogre, or changeling here. I merely have a duty to serve the knowledge held in these shelves. And," he added as an afterthought, "to seek ways to expand that knowledge. For now, enjoy what hospitality we can offer." He gestured toward the pair who had just finished replacing the fallen books. "Any of the keepers can help you, should you have need."

With that said, Keeper abruptly turned and left the aisle as if he'd just remembered some important errand.
Each of us dreams. In mine, I see my home--Lost to me, perhaps for all time. In His, the home He desired was made whole and real. Yet, you tell me we are the same?

It cannot be.

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Post Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:02 am

Elaine backed away from the darkly robed figure as the Keeper left; probably to investigate the sudden din. She felt that the black robed figure, who she assumed to be male, wasn't very friendly. He seemed almost malevolent, and she would rather not be near him while the Keeper was gone. The Keeper seemed to be the only person that was sane in this absurd place.

She scuttled off to a random shelf and began perusing, as though there was an important book that she was searching for. Her attempt was probably not very convincing, but she preferred to be away from that strange person. Perhaps she was better off trying to find Keeper.

She quit her charade of trying to find a book, and focused on finding Keeper instead. She began to walk down one of the many aisles, leaving an unconscious Lexium behind, since he otherwise appeared to be fine.
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Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:43 pm

Re: A Most Unusual Library (Open)

After a short search, Elaine found Keeper staring at a blank wall intently, tracing lines in the stone that only his ancient memory saw. The door is not here. How did that Hengeyokai get here? She was definitely from that clan... her markings... Realizing that he was being watched, he regained his composure and turned to face the young terran from earlier.

"Ahh, my inquisitive friend. What can I do for you?" His face showed no sign of the concern from only moments earlier. If someone had slipped through the Seal...
Each of us dreams. In mine, I see my home--Lost to me, perhaps for all time. In His, the home He desired was made whole and real. Yet, you tell me we are the same?

It cannot be.

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Post Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:46 pm

Re: A Most Unusual Library (Open)

Elaine walked over, only to see Keeper staring at a wall. She stood next to him and looked at the wall, wondering what was so fascinating about it. He seemed to be feeling the wall, as though it concealed a secret passage or something. As weird as this library was, she wouldn't be surprised if there was. There'd probably be more than one secret passage, and she still wouldn't be astounded.

She replied, feeling rather flustered,"Oh...uh...nothing. Thanks."
What was she going to tell Keeper? That she felt creeped out by the weird guy in the black robes? The stranger hadn't said anything to her, but just the general vibe she got from him was not so good.
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Post Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:15 am

Re: A Most Unusual Library (Open)

"Ka-geh," the Keeper replied to her unspoken thoughts. "Only the dimmest of individuals are not disturbed by their presence. I have been here a long time and it still bothers me."

Seeing her puzzled look, Keeper realized she had not spoken her concerns.

"Worry not, your concern was written on your face when I spoke to it earlier. And as I said, it is natural to be uneasy around one of them. It cannot actually harm you here, however. The enchantments laid into the walls would not permit it."
Each of us dreams. In mine, I see my home--Lost to me, perhaps for all time. In His, the home He desired was made whole and real. Yet, you tell me we are the same?

It cannot be.

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