[Disc] phpBB Wrapper component

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Post Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:32 pm

[Disc] phpBB Wrapper component

Title: phpBB Wrapper component for Joomla
Description: Wrapper for phpBB 3 RC7+ in Joomla. Rewrites all links in the forum so they redirect back into the wrapper, even with a 'Open in new Window'
Version: 1.1.0

This is no longer available because limitations in the phpBB3 code made this method impossible to fix.

This component offers a better integration between the Joomla and phpBB front ends. phpBB gains Joomla's SEO. Logging into Joomla (using CB and CB Connector) brings the forum right back where it was, instead of going back to the forum index as most wrappers do.

The component plugs into Joomla and is the actual wrapper.

The phpBB mod redirects the forum path into the wrapper, fixing old bookmarked links and anything that.. escapes the wrapper. (Not fully tested)


Known issues:
CSS from Joomla interferes with phpBB and vice versa. It is necessary to tweak the CSS so that there is no overlap.

Posting seems to break the wrapper. Probably since the phpBB authors use the error handler to display (non-error) status messages.

com_phpbb_wrapper_1.1.0.zip (Downladed 43 times)
redirect_forum_mod.zip (Downloaded 35 times)
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Post Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:38 pm

Re: [Beta] phpBB Wrapper component

The 'unknown reason' is that whenever phpBB wants a screen with just a message that sits there for a minute before redirecting you to a default location (such as the post confirm screen) they call the error handler. This by its nature stops everything in its tracks to alert the user there is a problem without going any further.

If you have an error, that's great. Proceding after an error can have unexpected issues... but if there is no error... well, we're stopping anyway because you told us there was one...

Kinda like calling 911 to say your cat's up a tree. Yes, they can send a fire truck out to get it out of the tree... but why not borrow a ladder instead?

Oh well.. bug report submitted... let's see what happens.

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Post Thu Nov 08, 2007 12:24 pm

Re: [Beta] phpBB Wrapper component

Drakkim wrote:The 'unknown reason' is that whenever phpBB wants a screen with just a message that sits there for a minute before redirecting you to a default location (such as the post confirm screen) they call the error handler. This by its nature stops everything in its tracks to alert the user there is a problem without going any further.

If you have an error, that's great. Proceding after an error can have unexpected issues... but if there is no error... well, we're stopping anyway because you told us there was one...

Kinda like calling 911 to say your cat's up a tree. Yes, they can send a fire truck out to get it out of the tree... but why not borrow a ladder instead?

Oh well.. bug report submitted... let's see what happens.


Serveral months on, any news on this?
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Post Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:49 pm

Re: [Beta] phpBB Wrapper component

I was waiting on the 'next release' of phpBB (which was RC6/7) and now I'm trying to recall what 'free time' was like. Hopefully, I'll get another peek under the hood in the next week or so.

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Post Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:37 am

Re: [Beta] phpBB Wrapper component

Okay... The new component is updated... there's still some issues so treat it as beta test quality work (Cuz it is!)

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