Kessa the Huntress

Moderator: Drakkim

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Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:25 pm

Post Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:32 pm

Kessa the Huntress

Name: Kassandra Alloren AKA Kessa

Race: Half Elf

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Job: Huntress/Tracker (Usually earns money by hunting dangerous animals threatening villages, but also works tracking down people)


-Hair: Light blonde with shoulder lenght shaggy cut. The ending quarter of the length is dyed black. Her hair is often parted to cover her left eye.
-Eyes: One eye is a light piercing blue, the other is removed and scarred from an attack she faced as a child.
-Height: 5' 5"
-Weight: Somewhere around 125-130 lbs.
-Clothing: Usually wears a dark brown, lace up vest, and fitting dark green pants
-Other: On her arms, a few scars can be seen. One of the more distinctive ones is on her upper left arm. There, four jagged lines cross her arm, similar to the markings of a cat's claws.

Personality: Generally quiet, she only speaks when she feels it necessary. When asked about her eye, she clams up and, if pressed too hard, will get quite angry at the intrusion on her privacy.

Equipment or abilities: She carries around a bow and quiver on her back and a simple shortsword at her waist. Her main abilities lie in tracking and stealth.

Roleplay Sample:

Kassandra entered the market, several pelts over her shoulder. She passed by the stands filled with delicious smells of meats and sweets. Several whistles and catcalls followed her from the darkened side streets, but a glare from her peircing blue gaze silenced them.

Her quick pace brought her to a stall filled with pelts, weapons, and other hunting goods. A large, bearded man came to the counter with a huge grin, "Ah, Kessa! It has been quite some time. I see you have not been lazy."

"Am I ever lazy Marcus?" Kassandra replied with a wry smile.

"I see you did not get away unscathed though." Marcus pointed to the fresher among her scars, four lines running across her shoulder. "Looks like a feline."

"You're right. Bastard managed to get behind me while I was tracking it's mate. She had been threatening several children in the area."

"Speaking of tracking, a convict escaped from custody a few miles away. They're offering a very large reward to whoever captures him and brings him in alive." Marcus handed her a slightly tattered parchment as well as a sack of gold for the pelts.

"No rest for the wicked," Kessa quiped, momentarily pushing back the hair over her left eye. She tracd a finger over the old scar there, "Or for their hunters."
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Post Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:24 pm

Bounty hunter, eh? Let's see if you can best Miss Samus. Approved.

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